Sunday 18 March 2012

Rocking Horse Road 17/03/2012 number 5

Title: Rocking Horse Road
Author: Carl Nixon
Pages Read: 1 Chapter
Summary: Following the death of Lucy, Lucy's sister Caroline is also in her own mission to find out who her sisters killer is. With 3 sexual attacks in the South Brighton area with in three months the press and the town are disturbed by how the offender is till on the run. With the group of friends of how much they know they spill... Matt's older sister Mary-Rose is seeing a boy named Brent Cox, when Mary-Rose sneaking out to meet him at the surf club Grant, Pete and Jase follow her one night. They sneaked in where her and Brent were the three boys stole their clothes. This led to Mary-Rose leaving the surf club in her bra and undies and Brent leaving completely naked apart from his shoes. As the pair are running a car passing by thinks that he is the offender who killed Lucy and try to run him down as they thought he is the Christmas Killer. Mark found the dairy of Lucy Asher in her bag he found in lost property, with the group reveals the name of a guy SJ, as the guy who could have been Lucy Asher's killer.

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